Simplifying Care For Complex Illness

RTHM connects you with a telehealth care team specializing in Long COVID and ME/CFS that provides access to a broad range of therapies based on the latest research.

Currently seeing patients in California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, New York, Florida and Texas with additional states coming soon.

Optimistic woman looking into the distance, symbolizing hope and recovery at our Long-Covid Clinic

Currently seeing patients in California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, New York, Florida and Texas with additional states coming soon.

Your health, your RTHM.

Care for complex illness needs to be highly personalized. We provide our patients with tools and expertise to deeply understand their health and find effective treatments.

Expert guidance to find treatments that work for you

All RTHM clinicians have completed a 100+ hour training program specifically tailored to Long COVID, ME/CFS, and commonly co-occuring conditions. An expert panel of multiple RTHM clinicians also reviews your case periodically.

Specialized and comprehensive lab testing

Patients go through a comprehensive workup including over 300 biomarkers backed by the latest research to ensure no rock is left unturned to get you back into your rhythm.

Care navigation to support your health journey

Our care navigators will partner with you throughout your care journey to help quarterback your care so you have more time and energy to do what you love.

Actionable insights from wearable devices and daily tracking

Symptoms and vitals fluctuate over time - wearables and daily symptom tracking allows us to measure how your physiology is changing over time in response to treatments.

RTHM has given me hope. After struggling with long covid for two years, even with the help of a local long COVID clinic, I was still doing all of my own research and trying to keep my doctors advised of the state of the art in treatments."

Stuart S.

There is a reason I tell everyone suffering from long COVID that the most important thing they need to do is get in touch with RTHM: because I believe RTHM gave me my life back.”

John K.

When I think of my RTHM experience, I feel as if I have a personal advocate in the leading edge of Long COVID understanding and treatments. The breadth and reach of my RTHM team's knowledge and research for Long COVID medicines, treatments, concepts and their ability to get them across to me is awesome."

Tom M.

I highly recommend RTHM…Dr Curtin and her team have gone above and beyond to pour through my 100s of records - labs, scans, reports and consult summaries.”

Ann M.

I went from being plagued by fatigue and PEM and unable to work to (and quite miserable about it all!) to being able to do my job, be engaged with my family life instead of moping in bed, and even starting to exercise again (but man am I deconditioned).”

John K.

Our Approach

Patients as partners

We listen and work collaboratively with you in your care. Every symptom and treatment tried by a patient provides clues in their journey to getting back to health. That is why we aggregate our patients' experiences and deploy the learnings through our treatment pathways. At RTHM, you benefit from the latest medical research and from the experience of other patients similar to you. We leverage the latest science and the data from all of our patients to find the most effective treatment course in the least amount of time.

what do you mean, my labs were normal?

Discover what works

A shorter path to effective treatment: in complex illness there are often several underlying health issues that need to be addressed using multiple treatments. We learn from what has worked from patients similar to you to efficiently find the best combination of treatments for you. We then measure your response to each treatment through vitals, labs and surveys and iterate until we find what works for you.

The screens from the RTHM patient app that allows tracking of diets, treatments and symptoms on daily basis.

Advancing science

Complex illnesses such as Long COVID & ME/CFS are so challenging to treat because the mechanisms causing them are still being determined. Additionally, not every patient is the same. Through our partnership with patients, research labs and by investing in our own laboratory capabilities, we aim to advance science through discovering biomarkers to better understand, diagnose, and treat these illnesses.

patients as partners, a woman consulting her doctor via virtual meeting.
Dr. Curtin, experienced ME/CFS physician and Long-Covid expert, gazing into the distance, symbolizing her personal journey and commitment to helping Long-Covid patients at our clinic.
Confident and smiling Dr. Kellogg, Stanford University scientist and pioneer in molecular profiling technology, symbolizing advancement in real-time health monitoring for complex illnesses at our clinic.
Dr. Snyder, head of Stanford's Healthcare Innovation Lab and pioneer in wearable technology for health tracking, looking confident, symbolizing his dedication to predicting and detecting disease changes at RTHM clinic

It’s personal for us.

The RTHM founding team has worked for over a decade in the lab and in the clinic understanding and treating complex and post-infectious illness - because we are patients ourselves.

Meet the team